Saturday, February 23, 2013

Scouting the Territory

Topic change to sleep schedule alterations with the effects of adderall in college. This topic will probably interest more readers that are actual students in college because it directly pertains to them and their health. Maturity levels in college would also have been an interesting subject, but testing them would have been more complex. Maturity is more of a grey ground as opposed to sleep amounts, which are more concrete.

This is an article that connects the relevance of education to sleep and its deprivation. I plan to find more connections with the use of adderall for educational purposes rather than for partying, like the media claims it is used for. Majority of the student friends and acquaintances I have use adderall for cramming for school related assignments and exams rather than partying. Although unhealthy in the long term, it's uses are geared toward educational improvement, which isn't something a bad student would do.

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